More to the story than what was first seen

Article By: Jim Stark

I thank you for taking the time to read this correspondence and I do hope you act on this and make people aware of all these facts.

'MUM called police over disturbance caused by teenage son in Cowdenbeath'. I am sending this correspondence after reading the article in the paper with that headline.

I am currently feeling a bit vexed as although the article printed is on some level correct there has been a lot of detail that hasn't been included in the item.

I am a close friend of Jason Sharp's mum and there is a lot more to this than has been said in the story.

Jason is autistic and suffers from ADHD, which at present isn't medicated due to lack of support from the NHS and social work department. Now I know this doesn't make what Jason did in anyway right, however, his mum has had multiple calls with social work people and at one point waited 6 hours to get a call from NHS after one of Jason's meltdowns.

All she has ever been faced with is referral after referral, none of which have ever came to fruition. One of the referrals was for a psychologist to speak to Jason which was initially done over the phone but nothing further happened.

When Jason has these meltdowns he takes on several different persona's and once he comes out of that mental state he hasn't a clue what has happened as he has no recollection.

I myself have witnessed this many times and I feel it's ridiculous that mum has had no support from any professionals at all and it isn't for lack of trying.

While I know you guys have got a job to do I think it only fair that you're made aware of all these facts because all people will think when they read that story is "what kind of a mum calls the police on her son". She called the police as she and her two younger children were at risk and she couldn't get through to Jason on this occasion, like she has been able to do in the past.

I feel that article brandishes Jason as a "thug," for want of a better word, when indeed he is not. He is a very vulnerable, very mixed up young man who NEEDS support for his mental health and for his conditions.

I thank you for taking the time to read this correspondence and I do hope you act on this and make people aware of all these facts.

Also on one occasion Jason and his mum were sat in A&E for 6 hours to try and get him some psychiatric report.


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